Welcome to Acts of Art. My name is Sandy McMullen.

According to 23andme.com I have 75.4% British and Irish ancestry. I can trace my maternal grandmother to Scotland, my maternal grandfather’s people to being United Empire Loyalists. I am a settler on the traditional territory of the Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg and the unceded traditional territory of the K’òmoks First Nation.

For almost 70 years I have been apolitical. My two daughters are more aware in terms of social justice and living in alignment than I.  In the past decade or more I have been watching, listening and learning from them and others (albeit ever so slowly).

A decade ago we converted from downtown Toronto living to enjoying life in smaller places, and we now live half the year in a friendly family town on the left coast on Vancouver Island and half the year in conservative rural Ontario in a village in the Kawarthas. 

For the last 10 years I have been mulling over a few separate threads…

  • the feminine will play a significant role if we are to “save the planet”
  • we need to shift how we measure success 
  • we need to come into “right relations” with Indigenous people and Indigenous knowledge
  • we need to acknowledge the hard truths of our history and take action towards reparations
  • we (I) have no idea when we are impacting others by what we say and do
  • compassion is vital to any kind of change
  • just because people don’t look like they are “getting it” doesn’t mean that a seed planted won’t grow
  • being overwhelmed can last forever and nothing changes
  • most people are doing the best they can with what is on their plate – stay compassionate
  • sometimes you just have to start and hope the path emerges

The phrase if not now, when is ringing in my ears.

I am proud to be a Canadian until I reflect on two-faced environmental and racist aspects of our society.

We have a shadow side that we are only beginning to want to acknowledge and work through.

Instead of caving and calling this state of affairs inevitable, I decided to take the small steps in front of me to protest the inequities that I am aware of and see where it takes me. The family I love in the photos above motivate me to make as much noise as I can while I can.

I paint. I build WordPress websites and I have something to get off my chest. This is what I know and perhaps this is part of how I can contribute.

I started with painting and sending postcards. When the women marched on Washington in 2017, several activists spoke about how postcards were more impactful than petitions or phone calls.



Now I am using MatchBook Art to also spark conversations about the environment and social justice issues. 



Taking Action works.

I belong to the Truth and Reconciliation Community – Bobcaygeon and our voice is being heard in support of the harvesting on Manoomin (wild rice). A while back now, a town hall meeting regarding the Green New Deal brought me hope. Hope that we can come together to have the immediate and effective impact on the Climate Crisis that I pray for. 

There are many ways to make your presence known. How will you join in?