To: The Prime Minister of Canada
The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Dear M. Trudeau
You do know that you can’t have your cake and eat it too. (Well unless you are Tina Fey).
You acknowledge the need to consult with First Nations on what happens on their land and then you support pipelines.
Not to mention supporting development in the tar sands while claiming that Canada is shining stalwart of the Paris Accord.
You say that NO country would leave such a resource in the ground but when the impact is so devastating to the landscape and goes against developing renewable energy development – the Tar Sands are blemish on Canada’s reputation.
What would happen if we did leave fossil fuels in the ground?
Albertans, Big Oil and MBA’s would flip out – perhaps. It would also focus us in one direction rather than trying to do two opposing approaches at the same time.
Pick. What you say or what you do. They need to match up.
You aren’t fooling everyone by looking good in Paris and when you speak to First Nations about respecting their rights on their territories.
You also say that reconciliation is a process that will take years. I agree but there are just some things like drinking water, education and health care that need to be addressed now.
I believe your intentions are good but what are good intentions without consistent persistent VISIBLE action?
Please remember your promises.
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