Dear Mr. Prime Minister

There is more will in 2017 on the part of a growing percentage of Canadian citizens to push for making significant change in relationships with First Nations, Inuit and Metis. But it is far from enough. What would it take for that will for change to tip to demand for change?

As our leader you have a role to play.


So much of what impacts Indigenous communities is out of sight and therefore out of mind of the majority of the population. This is no excuse.

As the leader of our country you have a role in growing public and political will.

Are your promises addressed specifically to people in Indigenous communities?

The sad thing is…

Canada has a history of breaking these promises.

We also have a history of getting away with this kind of deceit.

What if you addressed your promises to all of us and helped us to understand all that is at stake?

Talk to every Canadian including those clinging to myths and stereotypes and help build the intention of all to make significant change.

We need to hear from you. Leaders are influencers. You can show both why we need to honour our past promises and how we can do this in more than a superficial way.

You understand Emotional Intelligence and the power of speaking to what matters to people similar to what Elon Musk exemplifies in this message to his employees.

You can unite Canadians but more importantly you can model following through on what you say you believe in. As the article on Musk points out:

While Musk’s opening words will prove touching to some, it’s his promise to take action that is most powerful.

It starts with your intention as a leader. What do you commit to 100%?

Looking forward to hearing and seeing you in action.

Talk soon.