

Nicholas Wilton of Art2Life has a wonderful Wednesday noon hour PDT event called the Kitchen Table Art Project. The theme for the last week of April is REUSE.  May I just say WOW - now you are talking my language.   I immediately thought of the Matchbook Art that I...

Start with Salmon

Start with Salmon

This is my other submission to Button Factory Arts 25th anniversary juried show. The call for entry invited artists who are increasingly feeling the need to engage and speak up through activist and social art practices. My Matchbook Art seemed to be a fit for this...

Start with Dandelions

Start with Dandelions

I recently submitted this shadow box to a juried show at Button Factory Arts in Waterloo. They are celebrating their 25th year with a show that invited artists investigating activist and social art practices to enter their work.  In the past I  have used art Art and...

Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground

Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground

With a Canadian election looming, what environmental questions do you want to pose to candidates? One of my top questions concerns policy on fossil fuels. Scheer makes his position clear:  "I will not apologize for standing up for Canada's oil and gas workers and to...

Forests Breath for Us All

Forests Breath for Us All

We are cutting down trees at an alarming rate. Here are the first 6 of 51 facts: Fact 1: Forests cover 30% of the earth’s land. Fact 2: It is estimated that within 100 years there will be no rainforests. Fact 3: Agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation Fact...

What’s Your Green Message?

What’s Your Green Message?

I read a quote about taking action toward stemming the climate crisis that had to do with not waiting to take a perfect action. It was about hundreds of individuals taking some kind of action imperfectly rather than waiting for a handful of people to take the perfect...

Nature is Not a Commodity

Nature is Not a Commodity

Recently in a worshop I attended that was faciliatated by a friend who is an trapper and a proud Anishinaabe woman,  it was brought home to all of us just how differently settler culture and Indigenous culture hold Mother Earth.  Kaaren refers to the animals that she...

Green as Greta

Green as Greta

Greta Thunberg. There is so much that one can say about this young activist.  This teenager has inspired tens of thousand students around the globe to take action around climate change. She is singularly focused, knowledgeable and 100% dedicted to making thos e...

Positive Messages Attract

Positive Messages Attract

Our guests over the July 1st long weekend were helping me brainstorm slogans for the backs of the MatchBooks.  We had quite a good discussion of what kind of messaging works best. While I had no problem saying direct commands such as "Kick the CO2 Habit", one of my...

Water No Straw Please

Water No Straw Please

I have glass straws and metal straws at home.  I have a water bottle with a built in straw. But... What about going to a restaurant? I often order water and my straws are at home so I am training myself to order water with the phrase "water no straw no ice, please". ...